Gareth Jones
Gareth is a district nurse from
Mold, Flintshire. He lives with his wife and two dogs and is keen to get
involved in the campaign to learn about more climate savvy behaviours and bring
himself up to speed with his more climate conscious wife.
“We’ve recently moved to a new
house and we’re keen to save some money, so I’m looking forward to learning
more about the different challenges as the year goes on. It’ll be interesting
to see how easily we can implement these actions into our daily lives.”
Home Insulation and Saving Water
#BikeIt - A Tiring Summer!
Washing at 30º
Home Insulation and Saving Water
my last update regarding the Way To Go campaign, the weather has changed, it’s
got a lot wetter, a lot colder but surprisingly (compared to my attitudes last
year) I’m automatically implementing some of the ‘tasks’ that this campaign has
encouraged me to do.
the summer my wife and I (and especially the dogs) enjoyed spending time in our
local area just walking around, discovering new places and leaving the car keys
behind. I think we’re still recovering from one epic 15 mile walk! Even my mum
got used to me randomly turning up on her doorstep (7 miles away) on my bike. I
didn’t mind the ride down, the main problem was the ride back - uphill all the
way!! Nearly killed me initially!
thanks to this campaign I’m best friends with the washing machine and the
setting for all washes now rarely leaves 30 degrees. One of the personal
challenges my wife and I set this autumn was to see if we could leave the
heating off until November! Scary thought!
October we cleared some trees in our garden, collected all the papers we could,
even collected twigs on walks and we cranked the wood burner up. The best way
we could describe our lounge on most evenings through October was
...toasty........and the heating was free!!
Yey! Admittedly the heating has
gone on now, although it’s at least 2 months later than last year. And with the turn of the weather comes the rain. Which also means storing up the water! Our water butt is now fully functional and
merrily filling up!
#BikeIt - A Tiring Summer!
Well since my last update a few things have
happened....summer arrived, a bike arrived, and an increased effort and
awareness in ditching the car keys in favour of some foot/pedal power was made.
Throughout this year I have been striving to save water, conserve heat and
generally become more aware, and spread the word regarding conserving energy.
Now that it’s the time of year it pays to be outside, the next step was to
embrace the outdoors and reduce the impact of cars on the environment.
I have taken to the bike...unfortunately not for
work as for that I would need to be Bradley Wiggins!!....and have started
taking advantage of a lot of the back lanes and coastal routes around the area
where I live to ride my bike. Using the car to visit friends a couple of miles
away, popping down to the shops, taking the dogs for a run, I hadn’t realised
how many miles were racked up, and how much petrol I used to waste on easy
routine jaunts! By using the bike, more often than not, I actually got to
wherever I was going a lot quicker too! It’s quite a nice feeling
coasting past a line of stationary cars stuck in a traffic jam!
The 8 mile journey down to my mum’s house has
now become a feature of my weekly routine, although the 8 mile journey back
uphill isn’t the most pleasurable of experiences!! But the benefits are
obvious...I’m feeling fitter, I’m spending less money on petrol and more
importantly my carbon footprint is reducing at a rapid rate! Even my wife is
now jealous and wants a bike for herself! Ah well......there goes the spending
less money theory! Never mind, at least we are having fun! Way to
Washing at 30º
Now I knew this month’s task for
the Way To Go campaign was going to me a bit more of a challenge for me than
the others. Not from a physical point of view, nor from a ‘hardship’
perspective but I was being asked to undertake a task that I had very limited
experience in......doing the washing!!!
Now I know it sounds awful that as
a grown man I knew little to nothing of how the washing machine
worked........First I had my mum to do it...then when I lived away I took it
all back to my mum’s house ....and then I got married and my wife did it. It’s
just something that I have never needed to learn how to do! So when the challenge was to do all the
washing at 30 degrees, I feared that this was one challenge that was beyond
me! So I roped in my wife to give me
some lessons....admittedly a bit embarrassing but what the hell! If it saves
energy, saves water and saves money then everybody is a winner.
My wife was more than happy to
help, although her reservations seemed to stem from the fear that washing at 30
would ‘never get the clothes clean, and I will only have to do them again!’.
None the less we gave it a go.
‘You put the washing liquid in
here......You put the ball in with the washload......You turn the dial to
30’. All the instructions were given,
and I followed them precisely and like magic the washer worked! My wife laughed as I was overly pleased with
myself that I had managed to do this by myself!
Well I felt that it was an achievement!!!
The washing came out perfect to the
point that even my wife was surprised by how well it washed! We are now both converts! I have even done
the washing on my own now with success!!
Next to grab a bunch of people to
invade the local laundrette as a ‘Wash Mob’!
Keep an eye out for the pics!
Should be fun!
Car Sharing
The next challenge is upon us and
it is all about the joys of car sharing, to reduce car use and its effects on
the environment. Now I will be perfectly honest from the start, I am a District
Nurse so it has been a little more difficult for me to fully embrace this
month’s challenge, what with being a lone worker and needing my car for visits.
Therefore, this month’s challenge
has mainly been lived through my wife!
Recently she started a new job,
about 10 miles from home, and during the ‘getting to know you’ process with her
work colleagues she mentioned about my role with the Way To Go team. A few were
interested and through these chats she found out that a couple of the girls in
the office all lived locally to us. So a car sharing plan was devised! For the
past 3 weeks the girls have taken turns driving to work and they love it! My
wife has found it a lot more convenient, catches up on the gossip, saves money
from a petrol and parking perspective and it has also taken two cars off the
road! Ideal!
From my side of the bargain…the
bike has been getting a run out! A few trips that I used to make in my car are
now being done via pedal power! Personally I feel better for it and look
forward to having a few more bike rides now the sun is beginning to shine.
Next challenge is using the washing
machine at 30º…first question… ‘Lynn, how do I switch the washing machine on??”
Well since I have started
campaigning and advocating climate change through the Way to Go campaign, my
own awareness and attitudes towards conserving energy, appreciating the
environment and all round climate change has spiralled.
Now the weather is improving (well
it is according to the weatherman!) it’s time to discover the great outdoors.
Whether it be exploring new places, seeing old friends or just chillaxing,
summer is on its way its time for us to enjoy it responsibly. From my own
perspective, having recently moved back to Wales with my new(ish) wife and two
dogs, its fun rediscovering all those local places I used to know as a child. And
who needs a car to get there? Loads of little villages are situated on bus
routes and we can stop off, have a cheeky glass of wine and not worry about the
car journey home. Also, how much of a pain is it to constantly circle a city
centre car park looking for that space. More often than not there is a
perfectly good bus stop/train station pretty close by, and especially with the
price of petrol it makes more and more sense to use public transport to get
I spent and enjoyable morning
recently at Wrexham bus station, handing out free tickets to unsuspecting
people waiting for their particular bus to arrive. The tickets, given as an
appreciation for using public transport, were initially treated with suspicion
but then the smiles broke out. People used the tickets to get to work, get
home, go to the shops – whatever their particular reason was, they were all
gratefully received. Way To Go!
For the next months challenge, it’s
all about advocating car sharing to again cut down on usage of cars. I will be
meeting with the leader of Flintshire County Council and hopefully increasing
awareness again. Keep and eye out for the pictures as I will post them to
Facebook when they come through.
Just Enough
Well here we go saving
task no. 2! Don’t waste water by overfilling a kettle, use 'Just Enough'
for what you need. How easy is that!
The wife always complains that I
waste water.....'When's the coach load arriving??' she often says as I am
pouring litre on litre into the kettle. Force of habit I suppose. In my head it
was convenience. It will get used eventually, but invariably it didn't.
Just went back down the drain. Until I started this task
I didn't fully appreciate how much water was being wasted, let alone
the energy being used in boiling a full kettle.
Now for the acid test...we are having
a new kitchen fitted and that means builders in the house. The tea consumption
is going to sky rocket, so the wife and I come up with an idea. We are in
charge of the kettle, the builders don’t like it but tough. As the thirst grows
in the builders we begin to pour the water, just enough to fill their cups and
no wastage in the kettle. In all fairness they took it in good spirits, and
were amazed by how quick it took the kettle to boil. By my reckoning we saved at
least 2 kettles full of water on the first day alone. Very impressive!
As a hardened coffee drinker, changing my ways in order to conserve energy is a hard habit to make but is necessary in ensuring that energy conservation, along with water usage is maximised. Most of the seemingly simple tasks are more difficult than they seem as they tend to involve changing ingrained habits, but they are all a means to an end and luckily for me, this habit has well and truly been changed.
As a hardened coffee drinker, changing my ways in order to conserve energy is a hard habit to make but is necessary in ensuring that energy conservation, along with water usage is maximised. Most of the seemingly simple tasks are more difficult than they seem as they tend to involve changing ingrained habits, but they are all a means to an end and luckily for me, this habit has well and truly been changed.
Get It On!
When I saw the advert from the Way To Go team looking
for volunteers, I called knowing that this could and would be a good
opportunity to help others, help myself and have a little fun in the process.
Four years ago I was probably the target market for a campaign such as this. At
the time I was single, living alone, takeaways most nights
for convenience and the heating ramped up in the house so I could
wear shorts in January! It was all work, work, work with little time for
outdoor activities or even considering impacts it was having on myself or the
wider world. Since that time I have met and married a gorgeous lady, have a
little 'family' of two dogs and have moved back 'home' to Wales. My wife is
very much an advocate of healthy living and very conscious of the impact that
we are having on the world we live in. As such my awareness of the effect that
we have on the world we live in and the role we have in protecting it has risen
Although some of the measures the Way To Go team are advocating
seem small and simple, the effect they can have not only on a personal level,
by reducing heating costs and improving health measures, but can have an effect
on improving the climate that we live in. Our thermostat is already down to 18
degrees, we are wearing that extra layer to stay warm when needed.
Over the coming months the challenges ahead are going to be fun and hopefully I
will be sharing some pictures with you as the year rolls on.
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